Word Search app


This word search game which contains over 1,000 words across eleven different categories

Playing a Game

To play a game, tap the "play" button on the home page, when the game starts, the game page will show a list of words for you to find, the words are hidden in the grid either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, once you have found a word, use your finger to highlight that word

The game ends once all words have been found


To check how you are doing, tap the "results" button on the home page

Icons used in this app are made by https://www.freepik.com

Technical Info

initialPlayStoreUpload: 11-Nov-2024

lastUpdated: 21-Feb-2025

currentVersion: 1.4

languageUsed: Flutter v3.29, Dart v3.7.0, DevTools 2.42.2

change history

v1.4 (21-Feb-2025)

v1.3 (14-Jan-2025)

v1.2 (03-Dec-2024)

v1.1 (11-Nov-2024)