Our Stuff app
The aim of the app is to provide a way to keep a record of Books, Music and Film & TV shows you own, on the Other tab you can also create your own list categories.
Books tab
On this tab you can add details of the books you own, these are categorised as either Hardback, Paperback, or e-book.
Music tab
On this tab you can add details of the music you own, these are categorised as either CD, Vinyl or Cassette.
Film & TV tab
On this tab you can add details of the films & TV shows you own, these are categorised as either DVD, Blu-ray, Video or Streaming.
Other tab
On this tab you can create your own lists via the “maintain lists” menu option.
Maintaining Music, Books & Film & TV
To add a new entry for Music, Books or Film & TV tap the add button and complete the details in the dialog. Swipe an existing entry to the right to show the edit and copy actions, you can also delete an existing entry by swiping to the left, from the app bar you can search & filter the entries in the tab.
To delete multiple entries, long-press and select one or more cards and then tap the delete icon in the app bar, to toggle an item between "no longer owned" & "owned", double-tap the item's leading icon.
Maintaining Other lists
For Other, to create a new list, tap menu, maintain lists then tap the plus icon in the app bar and complete the details in the dialog. To delete a list and all associated entries, tap the trailing delete icon, to modify the list name tap the leading edit icon.
To select a list, tap the drawer icon in the app bar and tap the required list.
To create a new entry in the selected list, tap the add button and complete the details in the dialog. Swipe an existing entry to the right to show the edit and copy actions, by swiping to the left you can delete an existing entry.
To delete multiple entries, long-press and select one or more cards and then tap the delete icon in the app bar, to toggle an item between "no longer owned" & "owned", double-tap the item's leading icon.
Icons used in this app are made by https://www.freepik.com
Technical Info
initialPlayStoreUpload: 02-Mar-2021
lastUpdated: 25-Feb-2025
currentVersion: 1.41
languageUsed: Flutter: v3.29, Dart: v3.7.0, DevTools: 2.42.2
change history
v1.41 (25-Feb-2025)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.40 (23-Jul-2024)
updated app to support foldable devices
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.39 (22-Apr-2024)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.38 (03-Apr-2024)
redesign of home screen & general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.35 (26-Feb-2024)
upgraded to Flutter v3.19.0, Dart 3.3.0 & Kotlin v1.9.22
upgraded Gradle to v8.2.2
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.34 (25-Jan-2024)
ability to toggle items between "no longer owned" & "owned"
replaced widget "RichText" with "Text.rich" to enable usage by screen readers
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.33 (11-Dec-2023)
added icons to "other" list items
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.32 (13-Sep-2023)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.31 (30-Aug-2023)
upgraded to Flutter v3.13.1, Dart 3.1 & Kotlin v1.9
upgraded Gradle to v8 & AGP dependency to v8.1.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.29 (08-Aug-2023)
added search result count on "other" tab
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.28 (17-Jul-2023)
added ability to create additional lists via "other" tab
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
v1.27 (19-May-2023)
added ability to sort results ascending / descending
upgraded to Flutter v3.10 & Dart v3.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.26 (24-Apr-2023)
migrated to Riverpod (state management)
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.25 (13-Apr-2023)
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.24 (24-Feb-2023)
bug fix & app improvements
v1.23 (15-Feb-2023)
migrated to Material3 design
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.22 (18-Jan-2023)
fixed bug with film & tv title overflow
upgrade Gradle to v7.5 & AGP dependency to v7.4.0
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.21 (04-Jan-2023)
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.20 (14-Oct-2022)
initial launch on Microsoft Store
upgraded to Flutter v3.3
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.19 (02-Jul-2022)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
v1.18 (08-Jun-2022)
general code refactoring & performance improvements
upgraded to Flutter v3.0, Kotlin v1.7, Gradle plugin v7.4 and Android Gradle plugin v7.1.3
v1.17 (04-May-2022)
updated item icons
added tooltips
upgraded to latest Flutter & Gradle dependencies
v1.16 (29-Mar-2022)
added scrollbars to main list screens
upgraded to latest Flutter dependencies
v1.15 (21-Feb-2022)
added launch splash screen
upgraded to latest Flutter dependencies
v1.14 (10-Jan-2022)
added ability to multiple delete items in a given list
upgraded to latest Flutter dependencies